Registration of Dental Range Images from a Intraoral Scanner

Intraoral Scanner로 촬영된 치아 이미지의 정렬

  • Received : 2016.02.11
  • Accepted : 2016.03.28
  • Published : 2016.09.01


This paper proposes a framework to automatically align Dental range image captured by depth sensors like the Microsoft Kinect. Aligning dental images by intraoral scanning technology is a difficult problem for applications requiring accurate model of dental-scan datasets with efficiency in computation time. The most important thing in dental scanning system is accuracy of the dental prosthesis. Previous approaches in intraoral scanning uses a Z-buffer ICP algorithm for fast registration, but it is relatively not accurate and it may cause cumulative errors. This paper proposes additional Alignment using the rough result comes after intraoral scanning alignment. It requires that Each Depth Image of the total set shares some overlap with at least one other Depth image. This research implements the automatically additional alignment system that aligns all depth images into Completed model by computing a network of pairwise registrations. The order of the each individual transformation is derived from a global network and AABB box overlap detection methods.



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