Geographic Conditions and Garden Designs of Byeol-seo Scenic Site of Gimcheon Bangcho-Pavilion and Mrs Choi's Pond

별서 명승 김천 방초정(芳草亭)과 최씨담(崔氏潭)의 입지 및 조영 특성

  • Rho, Jae-Hyun (Dept. of Landscape Architecture and Urban Design, Woosuk University) ;
  • Lee, Hyun-Woo (Dept. of Landscape Architecture, Jeonbuk National University)
  • 노재현 (우석대학교 조경도시디자인학과) ;
  • 이현우 (전북대학교 조경학과)
  • Received : 2016.03.02
  • Accepted : 2016.03.20
  • Published : 2016.03.31


Through literature review and on-site survey of Gimcheon Bangcho pavilion(芳草亭), the features of garden design(庭園意匠) including geographic conditions, landscape modeling of Nujeong(樓亭) and Jidang(池塘, Pond), and scenic interpretations in Nujeong Jeiyoung poetry(樓亭題詠詩) have been carefully researched and the findings are presented below. Bangcho pavilion is located in a village called Wonteomaeul, which belongs to the feng shui state of golden hairpin and floating lotus. It has long been the cultural hub of communication and social interactions among the villagers. The Head House of Jeongyanggong(靖襄公宗宅), the main house(本第) of the Yeonan Yi Clan(延安李氏), is about 150m away from Bangcho pavilion, an artistic space whose landscape modeling is of the form called Nujeong. The name 'Bangcho' reflects the noble man(君子)'s determination: "I yearn for the place where honey parrots fly and the fragrant grass grow." From the two story structure of the pavilion where there is an additional floor installed to the central ondol room by a four-sided subdivision door, one can detect the aspiration of the men for pursuing an open view. One can also observe the efforts in designing the room to be used for multiple purposes from a private place to an office for periodic publication of a family lineage document called "Garyejunghae(家禮增解)". Bangcho pavilion's main sight of interest is Mrs Choi's Pond(崔氏潭), the one and only garden structure that comprises the twin round island of square pond(方池雙圓島) among the existing Jidangs in Korea. In this special Jidang, there are two coexisting islands that represent a well thought out garden facility for symbolizing conjugal affection and unyielding fidelity between master and servent(主從). In addition, the three inflows and one outflow facing the Ramcheon valley is regarded as an ideal garden design optimized for performing the function of a village bangjuk which is the site for undercurrent creation and ecological reprocessing. At present, Giant pussy willow is the only circular vegetation identified in the area of Bangcho pavilion, although this plant species is about to wither away judging from the signs of decrepitude that seems to persist for two out of three weeks. The old pine tree that appears in the 1872 Jeiyoung poetry of Byeongseon Song(宋秉璿) no longer exists. Anjae(安齋) Jang Yoo(張瑠)'s "Eight Scenary on Bangcho pavilion(芳草亭八詠)" and its expansive reproduction "Ten Scenary on Bangcho pavilion(芳草亭十景)" from Gwagang(守岡) Lee Manyoung(李晩永) depict vividly the pastoric scenery of an idyll(田園景) that stretches throughout the natural and cultural landscape of the province of Gimcheon and Guseong surrounding the Bangcho pavilion. The Bangcho pavilion sutra aims to establish Bangcho pavilion and the village of Wonteomaeul as the centre of microcosmos by dividing and allocating its scenic features according to the four seasons and times(四季四時), the eight courses(八方) and the meteorological phenomena, and it is the incarnation(顯現) of landscape perception upon the Byeol-seo Scenic site of Bangcho pavilion, the cultural hub of the region.

문헌고찰과 현지조사를 통해 김천 방초정의 입지, 누정과 지당의 조형성 그리고 누정제영시의 경관의미 등 정원의장적 특질을 추적한 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 방초정이 입지한 원터마을은 금잠낙지형(金簪落地形) 또는 연화부수형(蓮花浮水形)의 풍수형국으로, 방초정은 소통과 교유문화의 거점공간으로 자리 잡아 왔다. 연안이씨(延安李氏)의 본제(本第) 정양공종택(靖襄公宗宅)과 약 150m 이격된 누정형 별서 방초정의 당호 '방초'에는 "향긋한 풀이 무성한, 앵무가 사는 곳을 희구하겠다"라는 군자(君子)의 지조가 새겨져 있다. 둘째, 중앙 온돌방에 사방분합문을 달고 마루를 가설한 누각형 구조의 방초정은 열린 경관을 추구한 적극적 조망의지 뿐 아니라 "가례증해(家禮增解)" 간행 등 공적 용도의 공간성 또한 주목된다. 셋째, '최씨담(崔氏潭)'은 현존하는 국내 지당 중 전형적 '방지쌍원도(方池雙圓島)'를 갖는 유일한 정원유구로, 지당 내 공존하는 두 개의 섬은 주종(主從) 간의 의리와 부부애를 형상화한 정원시설일 뿐 아니라, 3개소의 입수구와 감천으로 향한 1개의 출수구는 저류 및 생태적 재처리 등 마을방죽으로서의 기능을 수행하는 최적합화된 정원의장이다. 넷째, "방초정8영(芳草亭八詠)"과 이를 확대 재생산한 "방초정10경(芳草亭十景)"에서는 방초정을 중심으로 김천과 구성면의 자연 및 취락의 목가적 전원경(田園景)이 적극적으로 묘사되고 있다. 방초정 집경시는 사계사시(四季四時)와 기상현상 및 팔방(八方)을 고려한 경물포치를 통해 방초정과 원터마을을 소우주의 중심으로 삼고자 하였다. 이는 지역의 거점 문화공간으로서 방초정별서명승에 대한 경관인식의 현현(顯現)이다.



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