Systems Thinking for the Crisis and Improvements of Healthcare Delivery System

시스템사고로 본 의료전달체계의 위기와 개선방안

  • 정윤 (한림대학교 경영학부 의료경영학, 한림대 의료경영연구소) ;
  • 임재민 (울산대학교 의과대학 내과학교실, 강릉아산병원 호흡기내과) ;
  • 이견직 (한림대학교 경영학부, 한림대 의료경영연구소)
  • Received : 2015.11.27
  • Accepted : 2016.03.27
  • Published : 2016.03.31


This study structurally analyzes major inefficiency of Korea's healthcare delivery system by utilizing the systems thinking. In particular, the phenomenon of patient's concentrated visits to large hospitals, waste of resource due to competitions between clinics and large hopitals, and the structure of oversupply were visualized using the causal loop diagram. The inefficient structure of healthcare delivery system can be understood more clearly by utilizing the major system archetypes of 'success to the successful', 'tragedy of commons', 'escalation' and 'limits to growth'. This study also finds solution from archetypal structure suggested by Wolstenholme. The inefficient status of healthcare delivery system might be explained by the 'out of control' archetype. In conclusion, the public resources such as the national health insurance need to be acknowledged as the entire achievement. All the participants should cooperate with each other in order to improve the inefficiency of the healthcare delivery system. In addition, the arrangement of incentive system for cooperation, acceleration of health information technology, and development of innovative business models make the sustainable healthcare delivery system.



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