Power interruption is a phenomenon that no voltage is displayed over a short time or long time. Most devices will not operate normally when the supply voltage is low or does not exist. However, the device can also be operated with a different power which is ensured by a separate power generation. Recently, power interruption has been reduced gradually by the improvement of electricity quality, its duration also has been very short. Induction motors are widely used for the pumping in the water and sewage facilities and power plant applications. The pump is used as a machine for moving the fluid in the high place from a low location. So pump equipment always have a potential energy. If a momentary interruption occurs, the potential energy of the pump is reversed as that of water turbine and motor is operated as generator. This study is an analysis for the voltage variation, current, torque and power flow by the generating operation of the induction motor before and after the change of momentary interruption.