Proposed Schemes for Image Sensors Compatibility in IEEE TG7r1 Image Sensor Communications

  • 투고 : 2016.04.29
  • 심사 : 2016.07.14
  • 발행 : 2016.07.31


The IEEE 802.15.7r1 Task Group (TG7r1), known as the revision of the IEEE 802.15.7 Visible Light Communication standard targeting the commercial usage of visible light communication systems which mainly use either image sensors or cameras, is of interest in this paper. The vast challenge in Image Sensor Communications (ISC), as it has been addressed in the Technical Consideration Document (TCD) of the TG7r1, is the Image Sensor Compatibility to support the variety of different commercial cameras available on the market. The on-going ISC standard must adhere to compatible image sensors regulations. This paper brings an inside review of the TG7r1 and an inside look of related works on Image Sensor Communications. The paper analyzes the compatibility features by introducing a revised model of receiver to explain how those features are necessary. One of the most challenging but interesting features is the capability in being compatible to camera frame rates. The variation of camera frame rate is modeled from verified experimental results. Noticeably, three singular approaches to support frame rates compatibility, including temporal approach, spatial approach, and frequency-domain approach, are proposed on the paper along with concise definitions. Those schemes have been presented as valuable proposals on the call-for-proposal meeting series of the TG7r1 recently.



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