Classification and Evaluation Method for Autonomy Levels of Unmanned Maritime Systems

무인해양시스템의 자율 수준 분류 및 평가 방안

  • Kwon, Laeun (The 6th Research and Development Institute, Agency for Defense Development)
  • 권래언 (국방과학연구소 제6기술연구본부)
  • Received : 2015.12.15
  • Accepted : 2016.05.20
  • Published : 2016.06.05


Autonomy of unmanned systems is important because the unmanned system with high level of autonomy is able to perform desired tasks in unstructured environments without continuous human guidance. Evaluation of their autonomy is vital to realize the autonomous operation ability of unmanned system. Compared to the methods of evaluating the level of autonomy(LOA) for an unmanned ground vehicle(UGV) and unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV), the method of expressing the LOA of unmanned maritime system(UMS) is not established yet. Since UMS has a unique characteristics in terms of operational area, mission complexity and required technologies, compared to the UGV and UAV, it is required to establish for expressing the LOA for UMS. This paper reviews the current approaches to assess the LOA of unmanned system and proposes potential metrics for UMS in order to determine the autonomy levels of UMS.



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