패션 전공 교육과정과 학교기업 현장실습 연계 교육모델 개발 연구

A Study on the Developed Educational Models of Fashion Educational Curriculum and Field Placement of the School Based Enterprise

  • 한경희 (수원여자대학교 패션디자인과)
  • 투고 : 2016.09.08
  • 심사 : 2016.12.05
  • 발행 : 2016.12.31


As the occupational education in junior college is being searched to be connected to practical industrial settings at present, importance of field placement is now being heightened. Industrial field experience shall be developed as the work can be performed in the practical site based on the generally comprehensive contents through the applicable educational course rather than simply independent educational course. Furthermore, characteristics of the applicable major shall be reflected in the field placement to be connected to the industrial field experience so that image promotion of the major and other additional value of the major can be effectively operated. However, it is practical situation that most of the field placements are being operated separately from connection and characterization of the educational curriculum in spite of the variety of the industrial field experiences and works in the field sites. Thus, the author of the thesis would analyze practical cases of the industrial field experiences in the past and grasp the problems of them so that we can develop models of the industrial field experiences proper for characteristics of fashion related departments. Especially, through the study the author of the thesis has developed the practical educational model where the fashion majoring educational courses can be connected with the field placement in the school industry in which the practical environment is established as in the applicable industry. In addition, it is judged that Developed educational models can be realized for subsidiary companies with close relationship with the departments besides the school based enterprises.



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