Optimal Harvest-Use-Store Design for Delay-Constrained Energy Harvesting Wireless Communications

  • Yuan, Fangchao (Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Wireless Communications, College of Telecommunications and Information Engineering, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications) ;
  • Jin, Shi (National Mobile Communications Research Laboratory, Southeast University) ;
  • Wong, Kai-Kit (Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University College London) ;
  • Zhang, Q.T. (Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Wireless Communications, College of Telecommunications and Information Engineering, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications) ;
  • Zhu, Hongbo (Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Wireless Communications, College of Telecommunications and Information Engineering, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications)
  • 발행 : 2016.12.31


Recent advances in energy harvesting (EH) technology have motivated the adoption of rechargeable mobile devices for communications. In this paper, we consider a point-to-point (P2P) wireless communication system in which an EH transmitter with a non-ideal rechargeable battery is required to send a given fixed number of bits to the receiver before they expire according to a preset delay constraint. Due to the possible energy loss in the storage process, the harvest-use-and-store (HUS) architecture is adopted. We characterize the properties of the optimal solutions, for additive white Gaussian channels (AWGNs) and then block-fading channels, that maximize the energy efficiency (i.e., battery residual) subject to a given rate requirement. Interestingly, it is shown that the optimal solution has a water-filling interpretation with double thresholds and that both thresholds are monotonic. Based on this, we investigate the optimal double-threshold based allocation policy and devise an algorithm to achieve the solution. Numerical results are provided to validate the theoretical analysis and to compare the optimal solutions with existing schemes.



연구 과제 주관 기관 : National Natural Science Foundation of China, Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province


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