Objectives: The purpose of this study was to develop a competency model for the Korean medicine doctors and find application plans for the future education in Korean medicine. Methods: Based on literature review, we drafted a competency model framework for modeling and defined competencies using generic model overlay method. Also we conducted a FGI with 20 extension specialists in Korean medicine to validate competency model. Results: Findings are 5 domains and 15 competencies. 5 domains have optimal patient care, reasonable communication skill, professionalism enhancement, performing social accountability, and efficient clinical management. 3 competencies are included in 5 domains each. With this model, 4 ways of application plans are shown to apply for the future competency-based education in Korean medicine. Conclusion: Developed 2016 competency model for the Korean medicine doctors can be a first huge step to innovate education in Korean medicine toward competency-based educational system.