공간가중회귀 모형을 이용한 서울시 에너지 소비에 따른 이산화탄소 배출 분석

Spatial Pattern Analysis of CO2 Emission in Seoul Metropolitan City Based on a Geographically Weighted Regression

  • 김동하 (연세대학교 공과대학 정보산업공학과) ;
  • 강기연 (연세대학교 공과대학 정보산업공학과) ;
  • 손소영 (연세대학교 공과대학 정보산업공학과)
  • Kim, Dong Ha (Department of Information and Industrial Engineering, Yonsei University) ;
  • Kang, Ki Yeon (Department of Information and Industrial Engineering, Yonsei University) ;
  • Sohn, So Young (Department of Information and Industrial Engineering, Yonsei University)
  • 투고 : 2015.03.23
  • 심사 : 2015.10.27
  • 발행 : 2016.04.15


Effort to reduce energy consumptions or CO2 emissions is global trend. To follow this trend, spatial studies related to characteristics affecting energy consumptions or CO2 emissions have been conducted, but only with the focus on spatial dependence, not on spatial heterogeneity. The aim of this study is to investigate spatial heterogeneity patterns of CO2 emission based on socio-economic factors, land-use characteristics and traffic infrastructure of Seoul city. Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) analysis was performed with 423 administrative district data in Seoul. The results suggest that population and employment densities, road density and railway length in most districts are found to have positive impact on the CO2 emissions. Residential and green area densities also have the highest positive impact on CO2 emissions in most districts of Gangnam-gu. The resulting model can be used to identify the spatial patterns of CO2 emissions at district level in Seoul. Eventually it can contribute to local energy policy and planning of metropolitan area.



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