식물근권세균을 처리한 감귤 잎에서 주사전자현미경을 통한 감귤 더뎅이병균의 생장 억제 관찰

Observation of Growth Inhibition of Elsinoe fawcettii on Satsuma Mandarin Leaves Pre-treated with Rhizobacterial Strains by a Scanning Electron Microscope

  • Park, Jae Sin (Major of Plant Resources & Environment, College of Applied Life Sciences, Jeju National University) ;
  • Song, Min-A (Major of Plant Resources & Environment, College of Applied Life Sciences, Jeju National University) ;
  • Jeun, Yong Chull (Major of Plant Resources & Environment, College of Applied Life Sciences, Jeju National University)
  • 투고 : 2015.09.08
  • 심사 : 2016.01.02
  • 발행 : 2016.03.31


감귤 더뎅이병을 일으키는 E. fawcettii에 항균효과가 있는 식물근권세균 B. gladioli MRL408-3, TRH423-3, P. fluorescens THJ609-3, TRH415-2에 의해 감귤 더뎅이병이 감소하였다. 이들 식물근권세균을 전 처리한 Satsuma mandarin 감귤 잎에 감귤 더뎅이병균을 접종한 후 주사전자현미경을 이용하여 관찰하였다. 식물근권세균을 전 처리한 잎에서 무처리한 잎에 비해 감귤 더뎅이병의 병반수가 감소되었다. 특히 B. gladioli MRL408-3 균주를 전 처리한 식물에서 감귤 더뎅이병의 병반수가 뚜렷하게 억제되었다. 주사전자현미경을 통해 관찰 결과 식물근권세균을 전 처리한 감귤 잎 표면에서 병원균의 발아율과 발아관의 길이가 감소되는 것을 확인하였다. 시판 농약인 imibenconazole을 처리한 잎에서 감귤 더뎅이병균의 성장이 가장 뚜렷하게 억제되었는데, 이는 병반수가 가장 적게 형성된 것과 상통한다. 이들 결과를 통하여 식물근권세균에 의해 감귤 잎 표면에서 감귤 더뎅이병균의 발아와 생장이 억제되고 그 결과 감귤 더뎅이병의 발생이 감소되는 것으로 판단된다.

Elsinoe fawcettii causing citrus scab was suppressed by rhizobacterial strains such as Burkholderia gladioli MRL408-3, TRH423-3 and Pseudomonas fluorescens THJ609-3, TRH415-2 having antifungal activity. The leaf surface of Satsuma mandarin, which was pre-treated with the rhizobacterial strains, was observed by a scanning electron microscope (SEM) after inoculation with E. fawcettii. The number of lesions was reduced on the leaves pre-treated with the rhizobacterial strains compared to those of untreated leaves. Especially, the lesions numbers was apparently reduced on the leaves pre-treated with B. gladioli MRL408-3. The observation by SEM revealed that not only the germination rate but also the length of germ tube of the pathogen were decreased on the rhizobacterial strains pre-treated leaves. These inhibition of the fungal growth was more strongly expressed on the leaves pre-treated with commercial fungicide imibenconazole, by which the lesions was rarely found on the leaves. Based on these results, it was suggested that rhizobacterial strains may inhibit the germination and growth of the E. fawcettii on the surface of citrus leaves, resulting in decrease of disease severity.



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