Development of Charge Indicator Inspection System for Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle

PHEV용 Charge Indicator 시험기 개발

  • Received : 2016.03.11
  • Accepted : 2016.03.29
  • Published : 2016.03.31


In this work, we have developed a test system to examine whether the charge indicator of the plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) works properly or not. In PHEV, the driver should charge the necessary electricity by plugging in manually and be able to know the charging status through the charge indicator conveniently located for the charging individual. Our system used the CAN bus to transmit the same commands from ECU to the indicator to test the proper operation of the indicator lights. It measured the electric current values during operation and analyzed to determine the quality of the indicators. The inspection items included the proper packaging, the electrical shorts, the LED lighting during charging, the LED lighting for charging failure, and the LED lighting when errors occur. We developed the system for the operators in the factory allowing them to approve the test results at the site. We developed the hardware, the control software, and the software to store the test results and the history of the products in the database. Serial numbers were given to the good quality products and the bar code labels were printed to trace the products afterwards. Through this work, we developed a system to inspect the electric parts in real time upon fabrication. We are planning to further improve our system to inspect the brightness of the indicator by adding the vision inspection in future.



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