The Effect on CEO Entrepreneurial Orientation on the Innovation and Business Performance in Small and Medium-Sized Venture-Enterprises

중소벤처기업 최고경영자의 기업가지향성이 혁신성과 및 경영성과에 미치는 영향

  • Received : 2016.11.30
  • Accepted : 2016.12.20
  • Published : 2016.12.30


The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of CEO's entrepreneurial orientation on innovation performance and business performance, and the mediating effect of innovation performance on the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and business performance in small and medium-sized venture-enterprises (SMEs). To test the hypothesized relationships, we have conducted a survey of Korean SMEs. After excluding unanswered and untrustful item questionnaires, the final sample size for this study is 110 SMEs. The major findings of the empirical research are as follows. First, CEO's entrepreneurial orientation had apositive influence on innovation performance of a firm. Second, CEO's entrepreneurial orientation was positively related to business performance of a firm. Third, innovation performance had the partial mediating effect on the relationship between CEO's entrepreneurial orientation and business performance of a firm. That is, this result indicates that CEO's entrepreneurial orientation indirectly effects on business performance through innovation performance. Based on these findings, implications of the research findings are discussed, and recommendation for future research are provided.



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