This research aimed to observe adolescent children's use of time and to discover the parent-related factors that affect adolescent children's use of time. The subjects included 2,092 fourth-grade elementary school students and 2,108 first-grade middle school students. We used data from the Korean Children and Youth Panel Survey. We tested sociodemographic factors, parents characteristics, and time usage, and we studied these factors using SPSS version 23.0; the results are as follows. Firstly, in the subordinate scope of the child-rearing attitude of parents, affection fourth-grade elementary school students(M = 1.83) and first-grade middle school students(M = 2.02). Inconsistency had an effect on fourth-grade elementary school students(M = 1.99), and first-grade middle school students(M = 2.12). Excessive expectations had an effect on fourth-grade elementary school students(M = 2.40) and first-grade middle school students(M = 2.55). Over-involvement had an effect on fourth-grade elementary school students(M = 2.68)and first-grade middle school students(M = 2.80). Finally, giving reasonable explanations had an effect on fourth-grade elementary school students(M = 1.51)and first-grade middle school students(M = 1.68). Secondly, in fourth-grade elementary school students(M = 463.35) and first-grade middle school students(M = 378.75). Further, studying hours during weekdays had an effect on fourth-grade elementary school students(M = 456.15) and first-grade middle school students(M = 460.86). Free activity hours during had an effect on fourth-grade elementary school students(M = 390.54) and first-grade middle school students(M = 387.11). Sleeping hours during holidays had an effect on fourth-grade elementary school students(M = 544.85) and first-grade middle school students (M = 511.74). Studying hours during holidays had an effect on fourth-grade elementary school students (M = 484.86) and first-grade middle school students (M = 511.74). Free activity hours during holidays had an effect on fourth-grade elementary school students(M = 518.68) and first-grade middle school students(M = 509.73). Thirdly, by observing the relative influence of related factors on adolescent children's use of time, grade(${\beta}$ = -.284), gender(${\beta}$ = -.208), over-involvement(${\beta}$ = -.380), supervising(${\beta}$ = -.217), and (${\beta}$ = .243) in terms of the child-rearing attitudes of parents was found to affect study hours($F=2.595^{**}$). The education level of fathers(${\beta}$ = -.144) results in(${\beta}$ = 1.991) and longer free activity hours for children($F= 4.116^{***}$). This research can be used to study the influence of parents'child-rearing attitudes on adolescent children's use of time and to suggest the role of parents in adolescents' ability to manage time effectively using practical.