Positive and negative transfer of first language in producing second language - Focusing on Japanese learners of Korean -

L2 억양에 나타나는 L1억양의 긍정적 전이와 부정적 전이 양상 - 일본인 한국어 학습자들을 중심으로 -

  • Received : 2016.11.14
  • Accepted : 2016.12.23
  • Published : 2016.12.31


The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of Japanese(L1) on the production of Korean accentual phrases(L2). Korean and Japanese have a similar prosodic structure. But different from Korean, Japanese is a pitch accent language. So each word has its own pitch accent. And pitch accents are maintained in the sentence intonation. This difference will have a negative influence on the production of Korean sentence intonation. For this study 4 Korean natives speakers and 10 advanced Japanese learners of Korean participated in the production test. The material analysed constituted 11 Korean sentences, six of which contain formally identical Sino-Korean and Sino-Japanese words. The results show that the initial pitch pattern of Korean accentual phrases was affected by Japanese pitch accent types and this interference was greater for formally identical Sino-Korean and Sino-Japanese words. But besides initial tones of accentual phrase, some positive interference was observed in the internal tonal pattern of accentual phrase. In the phonetic realization, the internal pitch range and initial pitch rising of accentual phrases was greater for Japanese learners of Korean than native speakers of Korean.



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  1. Acoustic analysis of Korean trisyllabic words produced by English and Korean speakers vol.10, pp.2, 2018,
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