The Ontological Meaning of Sociological Interpretations on Architectural Works - Based on Symbolic Interactionism and Habitus -

건축 작품에 대한 사회학적 해석의 존재론적 의미 - 상징적 상호작용론과 아비투스를 기초로 -

  • Received : 2015.09.03
  • Accepted : 2016.02.22
  • Published : 2016.02.29


Sociological Interpretation on architectural works and design thinking, and architectural critics could be an approach for social sustainable architecture. In the sociological perspective, the paper explores the characteristics of two architectural works and architectural design thinking of Louis I. Kahn's Richards Medical Research Laboratory(1975-60) and Peter Eisenman's House VI(1972-75) and a sociologist Robert Gutman's reviews on two architectural works. The sociological interpretation based on "sociological being" derived from two sociological theories, "Symbolic Interactionism and "Habitus", approaches to the architecture as the world of experience and existence of human being. "Sociological being" based on the definitions of symbolic interaction, habitus, circumstance, social action and practice, reflective ego, and etc. is participated in to interpret two architectural works, design thinking, and architectural reviews. The findings describe the negatives of architectural philosophy(Louis I. Khan) and conceptual architecture(Peter Eisenman) and the ontological meaning of sociological interpretations on architectural works.



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