The Longitudinal Relationship Between Self-Esteem and Peer Relationship in Adolescence: Using Autoregressive Cross-Lagged Modeling

청소년의 자아존중감과 또래관계의 자기회귀교차지연효과검증

  • Lee, Boram (Department of Child Development and Family Studies, Seoul National University) ;
  • Park, Hye Jun (Department of Child Development and Family Studies, Seoul National University)
  • Received : 2016.08.31
  • Accepted : 2016.12.10
  • Published : 2016.12.31


Objective: This study focused on the longitudinal associations between self-esteem and peer relationships in Korean adolescents while considering gender and timing-early and late adolescence-differences. Methods: The study made use of data from the Korean Children and Youth Panel Survey. Three waves of data collected from 2,351 adolescents were analyzed by means of autoregressive cross-lagged modeling. Results: The results indicated that self-esteem predicted subsequent changes in peer relationship but not vice versa. Further, the results that longitudinal associations between self-esteem and peer relationships differed between male and female adolescents and between early and late adolescence. Conclusion: The findings revaluated the longitudinal relationship between self-esteem and peer relationships. Both gender and timing should be considered when planning interventions related issues about self-esteem and peer relationships in adolescence.



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