Adaptive Multimodal In-Vehicle Information System for Safe Driving

  • Received : 2014.09.17
  • Accepted : 2015.03.23
  • Published : 2015.05.01


This paper proposes an adaptive multimodal in-vehicle information system for safe driving. The proposed system filters input information based on both the priority assigned to the information and the given driving situation, to effectively manage input information and intelligently provide information to the driver. It then interacts with the driver using an adaptive multimodal interface by considering both the driving workload and the driver's cognitive reaction to the information it provides. It is shown experimentally that the proposed system can promote driver safety and enhance a driver's understanding of the information it provides by filtering the input information. In addition, the system can reduce a driver's workload by selecting an appropriate modality and corresponding level with which to communicate. An analysis of subjective questionnaires regarding the proposed system reveals that more than 85% of the respondents are satisfied with it. The proposed system is expected to provide prioritized information through an easily understood modality.



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