On the Effect of Perceived Security, Perceived Privacy, Perceived Enjoyment, Perceived Interactivity on Continual Usage Intention through Perceived Usefulness in Mobile Instant Messenger for business

업무용도로 이용되는 모바일 인스턴트 메신저에서 인지된 보안성, 인지된 프라이버시, 인지된 즐거움, 인지된 상호작용성이 지속이용의도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

  • 이지은 (서울벤처대학원대학교 융합산업학과) ;
  • 황찬규 (서울벤처대학원대학교 융합산업학과) ;
  • 권두순 (서울벤처대학원대학교 융합산업학과)
  • Received : 2015.07.21
  • Accepted : 2015.08.26
  • Published : 2015.09.30


As smart phones become more common nowadays, mobile instant messengers such as kakao talk and line are used as essential communication tools exchanging information between individuals. Also, the mobile instant messengers extend their use to business area beyond communication between individuals. This study is on how factors of mobile instant messenger such as perceived security, perceived privacy, perceived enjoyment and perceived interactivity affect business continual usage intention through perceived usefulness. The proposed model is based on Expectation-Confirmation Theory of Oliver and Technology Acceptance Mode of Bhattacherjee. For an analysis, 159 survey responses were collected from the office workers in Seoul and nearby cities, having experiences of mobile instant messengers. To validate the proposed research model, PLS analysis is performed with the valid 154 questionnaires. The path analysis results are as follows. First, perceived security has a positive effect on expectation-confirmation. Second, perceived enjoyment has a positive effect on perceived usefulness. Third, perceived interactivity has a positive effect on both perceived usefulness and expectation-confirmation. Fourth, perceived usefulness has a positive usefulness on satisfaction and continual usage intention of mobile instant messenger. Last, expectation-confirmation has a positive effect on perceived usefulness, and satisfaction has a positive effect on continual usage intention of mobile instant messenger. Since the mobile instant messenger may bring a pressure of work and a violation of privacy, it is necessary that the company provide a guideline for use of the mobile instant messenger and establish the in-house mobile instant messenger system.



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Cited by

  1. Expectations and Experiences of Implementing a Mobile Secure Communication Application : vol.12, pp.1, 2015,