A Study on Bergson's Simultaneity Revealed in Modern Spaces

현대 공간에서 나타나는 베르그송의 동시성 연구

  • 이상준 (국민대학교 테크노디자인 전문대학원 실내디자인전공) ;
  • 이찬 (국민대학교 조형대학 실내디자인학과)
  • Received : 2015.06.30
  • Accepted : 2015.08.07
  • Published : 2015.08.31


This study aims to establish the foundation for a simultaneity research, draw the potential through Bergson's simultaneity, and explore a space with the possibility of a continued change, focusing on the simultaneous process, in which physical mobility and consciousness of space last together. First, this study was focused on understanding Bergson's simultaneity, on the basis of the perspective that space needs to have more active, dynamic mobility. For understanding Bergson's simultaneity, the understanding of Bergson's duration conception, memory and perception was preceded. After that, the characteristics of simultaneity were extracted from the concepts of duration, change, memory and perception and its characteristics, which are connected to space, were analyzed. As a result, the study on simultaneity that was intensively analyzed, based on diverse cases, re-awakened the basis of value or thought, which we must aim at, in space design of the present time. This shows the possibility of another creative form that can be found in spaces of the present time and serves as the foundation to discover an essential and potential value of space in space design. Moreover, the combination of space with science, humanities, art and digital media technology demonstrated once again that there is a good possibility of approaching non-representational space that is pursued today and it is anticipated that using Bergson's simultaneity as a medium for spatial combination in their relationship would help in drawing deeper internal meaning and potential of space.



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