Predicting Package Chip Quality Through Fail Bit Count Data from the Probe Test

프로브 검사 결점 수 데이터를 이용한 패키지 칩 품질 예측 방법론

  • Park, Jin Soo (Department of Industrial Management Engineering, Korea University) ;
  • Kim, Seoung Bum (Department of Industrial Management Engineering, Korea University)
  • 박진수 (고려대학교 산업경영공학과) ;
  • 김성범 (고려대학교 산업경영공학과)
  • Received : 2015.02.09
  • Accepted : 2015.05.11
  • Published : 2015.08.15


The quality prediction of the semiconductor industry has been widely recognized as important and critical for quality improvement and productivity enhancement. The main objective of this paper is to predict the final quality of semiconductor chips based on fail bit count information obtained from probe tests. Our proposed method consists of solving the data imbalance problem, non-parametric variable selection, and adjusting the parameters of the model. We demonstrate the usefulness and applicability of the proposed procedure using a real data from a semiconductor manufacturing.



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