부모의 매체 사용과 교육 요구 및 자녀 지도가 아동의 매체 사용에 미치는 영향

Influence of Parental Media Use, Educational Needs, and Media Guidance for Children on Children's Media Use

  • 구현영 (대구가톨릭대학교 간호대학) ;
  • 김은정 (워싱턴대학교 간호대학)
  • 투고 : 2015.03.31
  • 심사 : 2015.04.22
  • 발행 : 2015.04.30


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the influence of parental media use, parents' educational needs regarding media use, and parents' media guidance for children on the children's media use. Methods: The participants were 161 parents of elementary school children in the 1st and 4th grades. Data were collected through self-report questionnaires, and analyzed using the SPSS/WIN 19.0 IBM program. Results: The average times for watching television and using the internet in the children were 11.44 hours and 5.89 hours per week, respectively. Children's time watching television was influenced by parents' time watching television, children's gender (girl), and parents' educational needs. Children's television dependency was influenced by parents' educational needs, parents' time watching television, and parents' age (under 36 years). Time using the internet and internet dependency in the children were influenced by parents' educational needs, family monthly income (under 3 million won), and parents' guidance for children on watching television. Conclusion: The findings indicate that elementary school children's media use is influenced by parental media use, parents' educational needs, and parents' media guidance for children. Therefore parental factors should be considered in developing approaches to provide education programs to prevent media overuse in children.



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