유아복 구매행동 연구의 에스노그라피적 접근

An Ethnographic Approach to Study on Purchasing Behaviors Regarding Preschool Children's Clothes

  • 투고 : 2014.08.26
  • 심사 : 2015.03.17
  • 발행 : 2015.06.30


This study proposes a new way to investigate purchasing behavior for preschool children's clothes using an ethnographic research method. The study consisted of 16 subjects composed of preschool children (aged 6 and 7) and their mothers. The analysis results are as follows. First, the in-depth interviews, indicated 14 attributes that mothers considered when purchasing children's clothes. Next, the result of conducting component analysis for consideration attributes indicated that the order of importance of attributes for mothers' opinions varied partially for some attributes (such as price) that depended on if the child was being raised only by the mother or with the help of another person. Second, in the accompanied shopping for the preschool children's clothes, the result of identifying the differences between the perception of consideration attributes and shopping behaviors confirmed some differences between consideration attributes recognized in the interviews and attributes practically considered when purchasing. Housewives (who were the mothers of girls) said that materials and comfort were the most important in the interviews; however, employed mothers of girls perceived design to be the most important attribute. The mothers of girls assessed design as an important attribute that they could never concede. Third, the children's opinions were found to partially influence mothers' purchasing behavior in the purchase of preschool children's clothes. Preschool children expressed their opinions on wearability and design in the process of wearing clothes at home or buying them outside; subsequently, mothers recognized children's opinions and reflected them in their practical purchases.



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