폭음문제를 가진 성인자녀(딸)에 대한 가족치료 사례연구

A Case Study of Family Therapy for a Daughter with a Binge-Drinking Problem

  • Lim, A Ri (Department of Social Welfare, Soongsil University) ;
  • Park, Tai Young (Department of Social Welfare, Soongsil University)
  • 투고 : 2015.03.15
  • 심사 : 2015.06.09
  • 발행 : 2015.06.30


This study examined the factors affecting the client's binge drinking, and the client and parents' change led by family therapy. From August to November 2011, the counseling case of this research was consisted of a total of 9 sessions-individual, parents, mother-daughter, father-daughter, and family counseling. This study utilized verbatim and audio recordings, and employed Miles and Huberman(1994) matrix and network to analyze the data. The findings of the study revealed that the factors that influenced the client's binge drinking included the family's dysfunctional communication method, adverse rearing attitude owing to unresolved emotional problems from the family-of-origin, and the client family's peculiar environment and culture. The therapist's intervention included making the client aware of his own problem, helping to gain insight and understand the parents' family-of-origin, connecting the past family-of-origin and the present, identifying attempted solutions, making aware of new change, and suggesting new communication methods. Through the therapist's intervention employing MRI interactional family therapy model and Bowen's family systems theory, the family members experienced changes; perception of all family members that participated in the counseling changed, and accordingly, their communication method and attitude changed as well. Through these changes in the family, the client's alcohol consumption reduced in terms of both frequency and amount, thus was able to solve their binge drinking problem.



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