• HONG, JIN (Department of Mathematical Sciences and ISaC Seoul National University) ;
  • LEE, HYEONMI (Department of Mathematics and Research Institute for Natural Sciences Hanyang University)
  • Received : 2014.09.18
  • Published : 2015.06.01


A trapdoor discrete logarithm group is a cryptographic primitive with many applications, and an algorithm that allows discrete logarithm problems to be solved faster using a pre-computed table increases the practicality of using this primitive. Currently, the distinguished point method and one extension to this algorithm are the only pre-computation aided discrete logarithm problem solving algorithms appearing in the related literature. This work investigates the possibility of adopting other pre-computation matrix structures that were originally designed for used with cryptanalytic time memory tradeoff algorithms to work as pre-computation aided discrete logarithm problem solving algorithms. We find that the classical Hellman matrix structure leads to an algorithm that has performance advantages over the two existing algorithms.



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Cited by

  1. Recent progress on the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem vol.78, pp.1, 2016,