The Courtyard as a Microcosm of Everyday Life and Social Interaction

  • 투고 : 2015.05.07
  • 심사 : 2015.06.09
  • 발행 : 2015.06.30


The habitual rooms and other structures related to everyday life are almost always grouped around the courtyard and together make up a house. There are many kinds of variety in types of courtyard houses depending on location, composition, allocation and relationship with inner space of the house. Every type of courtyard house accumulates many factors, which are social and economic circumstances, weather and geographical conditions. They are still well harmonized with life style and weather conditions in each area and basic unit of city organization. A courtyard can be shown as a place for everyday conversation like a community. Everyday space is the connective tissue that binds daily lives together, amorphous and so persuasive that it is difficult even to perceive. In spite of its ubiquity, everyday space is nearly invisible in the professional discourses of the city, like everyday life. Therefore Courtyards are special places that are outside yet almost inside, open to the sky, - a microcosm which gives relief to the inner rooms, gives the inhabitants a sense of ease and calm, and the feeling that they have their own piece of sky to use and protect them. This research will explore a variety of space use and dwelling types through courtyards based on field research and design projects.



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