The Exotic Tastes and Characteristics of Colors in Matisse's Works

마티스의 이국취미와 작품에 나타난 색채

  • Received : 2015.03.02
  • Accepted : 2015.03.13
  • Published : 2015.04.30


The purpose of this study is to extract the color chip from the works of Matisse with the exotic tastes, to analyze the characters of adjacent colors, and to suggest the color coordination of artistic character. The research method is based on the literature study which analyzes visual materials. The results are as follows. Considering the colors of Japanese taste, He employs vivid and strong tone in red, yellow, and blue, light tone in pink, purple, and green and deep tone in green, purple, blue and black. His color scheme is very bold and splendid. In his Algerian taste, red is very popular, but an attention should be paid in his development of orange and blue tones. In general, the usage of various tones brings colors into less relief and make the contrast of tones more conspicuous. His Spanish taste, based on red and orange, attracts attentions with strong impressions, but sometimes, dark or adjacent pale tones creates strong, mild and murky atmosphere. The Moroccan taste, based on the development of blue tones which have strong attraction implies the lightness but represents silent and calm. The Rumanian taste, represented in primary colors of red, yellow and blue and achromatic colors is bright and clear. In addition, its light tone in various colors represents peace and romance. The coordination of the exotic colors with the unique adjacent colors created by Matisse is not based on the established color coordination theory, but extracts colors in the aspect of culture borrowing. Therefore, it can double the effects of the color scheme expressed in the existing designs and be used as the global and multi-cultural design sources.



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