중고등학생의 대수적 추론 문제해결능력과 문제해결과정 분석

An Analysis on secondary school students' problem-solving ability and problem-solving process through algebraic reasoning

  • 투고 : 2014.09.16
  • 심사 : 2015.01.21
  • 발행 : 2015.02.28


The purpose of this study is to suggest how to go about teaching and learning secondary school algebra by analyzing problem-solving ability and problem-solving process through algebraic reasoning. In doing this, 393 students' data were thoroughly analyzed after setting up the exam questions and analytic standards. As with the test conducted with technical school students, the students scored low achievement in the algebraic reasoning test and even worse the majority tried to answer the questions by substituting arbitrary numbers. The students with high problem-solving abilities tended to utilize conceptual strategies as well as procedural strategies, whereas those with low problem-solving abilities were more keen on utilizing procedural strategies. All the subject groups mentioned above frequently utilized equations in solving the questions, and when that utilization failed they were left with the unanswered questions. When solving algebraic reasoning questions, students need to be guided to utilize both strategies based on the questions.



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