An Study on the Actual Condition of Green Building Certification Criteria Based on Public Apartment Housing in Seoul

서울시 공공주택의 친환경건축물 인증 실태연구

  • Received : 2014.03.06
  • Accepted : 2014.11.20
  • Published : 2015.01.30


Results in order to know the performance level of general health in public housing and to examine the effectiveness of the environmental policy of housing, were analyzed the GBCC indicators of 28 public apartment housing complexes in Seoul. 'Energy', 'Materials and resources', 'Plan of considering life-cycle', 'Energy Consumption Rate', and 'Floor impact sound isolation of the boundary between the layers', all of them have become social issues. In those parts, public apartment housing has showed better performance than the general apartment housing, but there was no significant difference in 'Indoor environment'. Ongoing management of public housing for the 'Indoor environment' which is basic of healthy housing is required. Especially improvement of 'Ventilation' and 'Daylight' which performance of public housing does not reach to the general apartment housing is urgent.



Supported by : 한국연구재단


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