영국의 NHS 병원약사 수련 현황

NHS Hospital Pharmacist Training Programme in UK

  • Kim, Yun Jung (University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust)
  • 투고 : 2015.09.20
  • 심사 : 2015.10.22
  • 발행 : 2015.12.31


The aim of the research was to explore post-registration training opportunities for NHS hospital pharmacists which contributes to promote structural reform of the professional development and lifelong learning for Korean hospital pharmacists. In UK, all pharmacists are required to complete at least 9 Continuing Professional Development (CPD) entries per each year to maintain their professional registration. Types of accredited postgraduate qualification (part-time) in Pharmacy Practice available for hospital pharmacists are Postgraduate Certificate (PgCert, year 1), Postgraduate Diploma (PgDip, year 2), Master of Science (MSc year 3), and Professional Doctorate in Pharmacy programme (DPharm, 4-5 years or more). Clinical pharmacy diploma is more likely to become a minimum qualification in order to progress whilst working for the NHS. Pharmacy independent prescribers are allowed to prescribe all medications except cocaine, dipipanone, and diamorphine for the purpose of treating addiction within their competencies. NHS pharmacists are also classified by band point system depending on their practical/clinical knowledge and skills which starting from band 5 (Pre-registration pharmacist) up to band 9. Various learning and development options are also offered including teaching sessions, conferences and local forums.



  1. Baqir W. et al (2014) Pharmacist prescribing within a UK NHS hospital trust: nature and extent of prescribing, and prevalence of errors available at http://ejhp.bmj.com/content/22/2/79.full.pdf+html (accessed on 17 September 2015).
  2. Standard for CPD available at www.pharmacyregulation.org/sites/default/files/Standards%20for%20continuing%20professional%20development%20s.pdf (accessed on 17 September 2015).
  3. Framework for CPD available at www.pharmacyregulation.org/sites/default/files/CPD%20%20framework%20updated%20Oct%202012.pdf (accessed on 17 September 2015).
  4. The Joint Programmes Board (JPB) available at www.jpbsoutheast.org/about-the-jpb/ (accessed on 17 September 2015).
  5. Post Graduate Diploma in General Pharmacy Practice (PG Dip GPP) Diploma Supervisor Induction Document available at www.jpbsoutheast.org/fileadmin/jpb/Supervisor_support/JPB_DSID_Jul14.pdf (accessed on 18 September 2015).
  6. The National Health Service (Miscellaneous Amendments Relating to Independent Prescribing) Regulations 2006 available at http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2006/913/pdfs/uksi_20060913_en.pdf (accessed on 18 September 2015).
  7. The Misuse of Drugs (Amendment No.2) (England, Wales and Scotland) Regulations 2012 available at http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2012/973/pdfs/uksi_20120973_en.pdf (accessed on 18 September 2015).
  8. General Pharmaceutical Council, Entry Requirements available at https://www.pharmacyregulation.org/education/pharmacist-independent-prescriber/entry-requirements (accessed on 18 September 2015).
  9. Pay arrangements for 2015/16 available at www.nhsemployers.org/-/media/Employers/Publications/Pay%20circulars/Pay-circular-AfC-1-2015.pdf (accessed on 17 September 2015).
  10. Guidance for the Development of Consultant Pharmacist Posts available at http://www.codeg.org/fileadmin/codeg/pdf/DH_cons_pharm.pdf (accessed on 18 September 2015).
  11. ACLF Advanced to Consultant level Framework A developmental framework for pharmacists progressing to advanced levels of practice available at http://www.codeg.org/fileadmin/codeg/pdf/ACLF.pdf (accessed on 18 September 2015).
  12. Howard P, Barnett N (2012) A survey of NHS consultant pharmacists in England, United Kingdom Clinical Pharmacy Association and Supplement 3 September 2012, Guild of Healthcare Pharmacists joint conference 2012 available at http://www.pharmaceutical-journal.com/files/rps-pjonline/S1-S44.pdf (accessed on 18 September 2015).
  13. Pharmaceutical Journal Online. Hospital hires newly qualified pharmacists for wards amid nurse shortage available at www.pharmaceuticaljournal.com/your-rps/hospital-hires-newly-qualified-pharmacists-forwards- amid-nurse-shortage/20068544.article (accessed on 18 September 2015).