Stay or Return?: Key Decision Factors of Foreign STEM Talents in Korea

  • Kim, Jungbu (Public Management and Policy Analysis Program, International University of Japan) ;
  • Oh, Seong Soo (Public Administration/Graduate Program of Science and Technology Policy, Hanyang University)
  • 발행 : 2014.10.31


Korea has pursued an aggressive policy of inviting more foreign-born students to its universities since the late 1990s in the wake of the globalization of education markets and its changing demographic structure. While increasingly more students from Asia come to Korea for study, more than half of the graduates return home upon graduation. Given the issues of brain drain, brain circulation, and knowledge transfer that are raised by such a high return rate, this paper examines the factors that frame the foreign students' decision on their post-graduation careers. By analyzing survey data, we report that Asian students majoring in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) are more likely to return than non-STEM majors. This suggests that Korea's aggressive policies of inviting foreign-born students have contributed to brain circulation and knowledge transfer between Korea and the other Asian countries. We also find that scholarships from Korean sources and positive attitudes toward Korean culture and life increase their inclination to stay in the country upon graduation. These findings, however, raise more questions than answers, since it becomes obvious that their post-graduation decisions are highly affected by what Korea as a society provides.
