An Improved Synchronization Control Scheme of a Low Cost 400Hz Power Supply for No-Break Power Transfer

저가격 고 신뢰성의 400Hz 전원의 무순단 전력절환용 개선된 동기화 기법

  • Received : 2014.09.01
  • Accepted : 2014.09.11
  • Published : 2014.10.20


This study proposes an improved synchronization control scheme for a low-cost 400Hz power supply for a no-break power transfer system. In the case of aircraft applications, the 400Hz power supply called ground power units is accepted and used as the external electrical power system during stopovers on ground. A momentary break in the supply occurs when shifting from one power source to another. To allow shifting without a break in the supply, the two power sources are momentarily connected in parallel. The proposed synchronization control is achieved by connecting an existing synchronization bus to the voltage zero-crossing signal of a generator power with discrete logic ICs and analog circuits. Therefore, unlike expensive controllers, such as DSP and CAN, the proposed control scheme is rather simple and may decrease operational cost. The practical feasibility of the proposed control scheme is proven by experimental results.



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