Project scheduling by FGP to Time-Cost-Quality trade off: construction case study

  • Faregh, Najmeh (Department of management, Faculty of administrative sciences and economics, University of Isfahan) ;
  • Ketabi, Saeedeh (Department of management, Faculty of administrative sciences and economics, University of Isfahan) ;
  • Ghandehari, Mahsa (Department of management, Faculty of administrative sciences and economics, University of Isfahan)
  • Published : 2014.09.01


Project managers are responsible to conduct project on time with least amount of costs and the most possible quality with respect to shortage of resources and environmental certainties. They have to make the best decision to reach such conflicting objects. In this study the project scheduling with multi goals-multi modes was planned in fuzzy conditions under resource constraints and expanded by fuzzy goal programing (FGP). The project cost was calculated by the price of renewable resources and the quality criteria were evaluated by the quality function deployment method (QFD). Finally the model was verified by a construction case study with 22 activities along with solving by GAMS. The results showed that this model could provide a systematic framework to facilitate the decision making process and made the project managers to be able to schedule the project closer to reality.



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