The purpose of this study is to offer the basic data and method for assessing the naturaliness of temple environment by applying the ecological index of plant to quantitatively and objectively assess the flora and to understand the flora distributed in major temple forest. The ecological index of plant was based in the surveyed flora. The whole flora were summarized as 535 taxa including 103 families, 310 genera, 426 species, 5 subspecies, 82 varieties and 22 forms. And, the numbers of taxa in the Beopheungsa were 267 taxa, 314 taxa of the Daeseungsa and 296 taxa of the Seongjusa. The rare plants were 9 taxa including Aristolochia contorta, Viola albida, Arisaema heterophyllumand so forth, and the Korean endemic plants were 11 taxa including Clematis trichotoma, Stewartia pseudocamellia, Vicia chosenensis and so forth. The specific plants by floristic region were 51 taxa including Wistaria floribunda, Celtis aurantiaca, Angelica gigas and so forth, and the pteridophyta were 26 taxa including Osmunda japonica, Polystichum braunii, Onoclea orientalis and so forth. The naturalized plants were 35 taxa including Fallopia dumetorum, Conyza canadensis, Xanthium strumarium and so forth, the invasive alien plants were 3 taxa including Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Aster pilosus and Eupatorium rugosum. In the results of analysing the ecological index of plant in whole temple forests, RI(Rare Index) was 1.7%, 2.1% of EI(Endemic Index), 9.5% of SI(Specific Index), 1.2 of PI(Pteridophyta Index) and 6.5% of NI(Naturalized Index) in narrow sense. In broad sense, FI(Flora Index) was 11.0%, 1.5% of RI, 3.4% of EI, 4.8% of SI, 10.1% of PI, 10.9% of UI(Urbanized Index) and 25.0% of DI(Disturbed Index). The FI of the Daeseungsa was the highest among the three temple forests. In narrow sense, the RI, SI, NI and DI of the Beopheungsa was high, the seongjusa was higher the EI and SI. In broad sense, the RI and SI of the Beopheungsa, the EI, SI and PI of the Seongjusa, the UI is high in the Daeseungsa. In future, if we will analyze ecological index of plant in other temple forests, we will offer the help to establishing the plan of conservation and restoration on ecosystem in whole temple forests.Environmental Specimen Banks (ESBs) are playing pivotal role in monitoring the effect of environmental pollution on the ecosystem based on the retrospective analysis of the representative samples collected regularly and stored in cryogenic condition.
본 연구의 목적은 주요 사찰림에 분포하는 식물상을 파악함과 아울러 식물상을 정량적이고 객관적으로 평가하기 위해 식물생태지수를 적용함으로서 사찰환경의 자연성을 평가하기 위한 기초 자료 및 방법을 제공하기 위함이다. 식물생태지수는 조사된 식물상에 기초하였다. 전체 식물상은 103과 310속 426종 5아종 82변종 22품종 등 535분류군으로 요약되었다. 법흥사는 267분류군, 대승사는 314분류군, 성주사는 296분류군이었다. 희귀식물은 쥐방울덩굴, 태백제비꽃, 두루미천남성 등 9분류군이며, 한국특산식물은 할미밀망, 노각나무, 노랑갈퀴 등 11분류군으로 나타났다. 식물구계학적 특정식물은 등, 산팽나무, 참당귀 등 51분류군이며, 양치식물은 고비, 좀나도히초미, 개면마 등 26분류군이었다. 귀화식물은 닭의덩굴, 망초, 도꼬마리 등 35분류군이었으며, 생태계교란야생식물은 돼지풀, 미국쑥부쟁이, 서양등골나물 등 3분류군이었다. 전체 사찰림의 식물생태지수 분석 결과, 협의적인 경우, 희귀율 1.7%, 특산율 2.1%, 특이율 9.5%, 양치식물계수 1.2%, 귀화율 6.5%이며, 광의적인 경우, 식물상지수 11.0%, 희귀율 1.5%, 특산율 3.4%, 특이율 4.8%, 양치식물계수 10.1%, 도시화지수 10.9%, 교란율 25.0%로 나타났다. 대승사의 식물상지수는 3개 사찰림 중에서 가장 높았다. 협의적인 경우, 법흥사는 희귀율, 특이율, 귀화율 및 교란율이 높았으며, 성주사는 특산율과 특이율이 높았다. 광의적인 경우, 법흥사는 희귀율과 특이율, 성주사는 특산율, 특이율 및 양치식물계수가, 대승사는 도시화지수가 높았다. 향후, 다른 사찰림의 식물생태지수를 분석한다면, 전체 사찰림의 생태계에 대한 보전 및 복원방안 수립에 이바지할 수 있을 것이다.