아나모르포즈(anamorphose)지각현상에 의한 공간 표현 연구

A Study on the Expression by Anamorphose Phenomenon

  • 이정윤 (국민대학교 공간디자인학과) ;
  • 김개천 (국민대학교 조형대학 실내디자인학과)
  • 투고 : 2014.06.30
  • 심사 : 2014.08.08
  • 발행 : 2014.08.30


Anamorphosis is highly favored in modern days as the atmosphere of pursuing unusual manners is growing while transformation and distortion of images are freely available. This research is to understand the affect of these distorted images on space designs and the close connection between anamorphosis and visual perceptions, and to identify the new perceptual phenomenon created through it, and the methods of expressing those. Four expressional methods were defined through the process of studying Anamorphosis based on its definition by Niceron, examining artworks such as paintings and photographs, and case-studying example spaces of visual perception experiments. Expressing anamorphosis through visual perceptions are broadly categorized to directional, dimensional, flatness, and optical. The analysis of 10 case projects suggests that the experimental spaces offer joys of finding and interpreting metaphorical forms and meanings caused by the four characteristic categories above. Also, they artificially show the boundaries between reality and virtual spaces in 2-dimensional or 3-dimensional spaces, and form hyper-boundaries, new experience, and an internal mechanism that is vague and chaotic. Therefore, this research concludes that anamorphosis which is a distorted perspective, is not only a simple measure to overcome perspectival errors, but is an existence suitable to the current era, that will extend its potential and value in spatial design.



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