브랜드 콜라보레이션 마케팅을 통한 디자인호텔의 실내디자인에 관한 연구

A Study on the Interior Design of Hotel Design through Brand Marketing Collaboration

  • 박시윤 (계명대학교 일반대학원 건축학과) ;
  • 김정아 (계명대학교 실내환경디자인학과)
  • 투고 : 2014.06.30
  • 심사 : 2014.08.08
  • 발행 : 2014.08.30


The rapid growth of economy improves not only the life quality of people in this modern society but also standards of value in connection with how those people would spend money as they engage in various leisure and cultural activities. That being the case, hotels are currently changing into places of new concepts depending on those new lifestyles of these people, and in those new places, people can entertain and experience as enjoying cultures. The marketing collaboration of the hotels with brands can be used as a more inclusive way to enhance brand images. In addition, as having infinite possibilities of the collaboration's being able to create a new-concept space with an identity of a brand included, this collaboration makes it possible for the design hotels to decorate their interior spaces differently from those of other hotels. In the light of that, the brand collaboration is basically divided into three groups which are the fashion collaboration, the technique collaboration and the designer collaboration, and the brand collaboration is also able to express the interior spaces of the design hotels as working on those six components, such as reproduction, events, alteration, messages, culture and image. After all, through the brand collaboration marketing, this thesis expects an interior design of a new-concept design hotel which would play a role as a complex cultural space.



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