A Study about Transformation of Shopping mall

쇼핑 몰 변용의 해석

  • Received : 2014.04.02
  • Accepted : 2014.07.01
  • Published : 2014.07.30


This study was conducted to clarify the cause of another transformation of the mall, as its transformation not only requires movement (rambling) or encounters of people, but it also requires various intelligent manipulations, and pursues space layout for amenity. In other words, the process of transformation of the mall involves transformation from a space that avoids encounters with social members and ritualizes movement (rambling), into the space of rambling (movement) that encourages encounters with different social members, and the purchase of goods while taking a walk. The second step of the transformation requires various intelligent manipulations, and creates amenity. Also, this process of transformation is interpreted using the concept of Romedi Passini's Wayfinding Theory, Amos Rapoport's Space Transformation Theory, Christian Norberg-Schulz's Setting-into-work, and the Semiosis of C.S. Peirce or C. Morris. ie. This particular study aims to examine the flow and causes of transformation in shopping malls following the foregoing discussions, applying the concept of 'true character of things' put forward by Karl Popper. Based on these series of discussions, this study examines the symbolic value of commercial buildings along with postmodernism from a completely different perspective.



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