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Bond-Slip Relationship of Beam Flexural Bars in Interior Beam-Column Joint Subjected to Cyclic Loading

  • 투고 : 2013.09.06
  • 심사 : 2013.12.01
  • 발행 : 2014.01.25


Under cyclic loading, the structural performance of reinforced concrete (RC) beam-column connections is significantly affected by the bond-slip of beam re-bars. In the present study, a bond-slip model was developed to evaluate bond-slip of beam re-bars in beam-column joints. The proposed model estimated the bond-slip relationship using simplified bond strength and bar strain distribution in the beam-column joint. To consider the cyclic loading effect, the bond strength was defined from the existing test results of beam-column connections that showed complete bond failure. For verification, the prediction of the proposed model was compared with existing test results of concrete block specimens for bond-slip and beam-column connection specimens. The result showed that the proposed model predicted well the bond strength degradation and bond-slip in the beam-column joints.



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