바람직한 자녀교육을 위한 부모 리더십의 원칙에 관한 연구

A study on the principles of parental leadership for desirable children's education

  • 한만오 (백석대학교 기독교학부)
  • Han, Manoh (Baekseok University, Division of Christian Studies)
  • 투고 : 2014.03.04
  • 심사 : 2014.05.20
  • 발행 : 2014.05.28


부모도 가정에서, 자녀에게 리더이기 때문에 부모의 리더십을 갖추어야 한다. 좋은 부모는 저절로 태어나는 것이 아니라 만들어 지는 것이기 때문에, 본 연구는 좋은 부모가 되기 위해서는 먼저 좋은 리더가 되어야 하고, 더 큰 부모의 역량이 무엇인지, 꼭 필요한 좋은 부모 리더십의 원칙들이 무엇인지를 알아보고자 한다.

Parents are also a leader of a child so they too must have a leadership at home. Since good parents are not just born but made, in order to be good parents one must be a good leader so this study aims to find a bigger capability of parents and the necessary principles of parental leadership. Journal of Digital Convergence. This space is for the abstract of your study in English.



  1. Stephen R. Covey, Principle Centered Leadership, translated by Gyong Sup Kim & Chang Gyu Park, Principle Centered Leadership(Seoul: Kimyoungsa 2001), 42-65.
  2. Jack D. Hodge, The Power of Habit, translated by Sae Joong Kim, The Power of Habit(Seoul: ID book 2004), 42.
  3. Jack D. Hodge, The Power of Habit, 24.
  4. Hee Jung Jin, The Power of Habit(Seoul: Tornado Media Group Co, 2010), 9.
  5. Hee Jung Jin, The Power of Habit, 11.
  6. Jack D. Hodge, The Power of Habit, 24.
  7. Jack D. Hodge, The Power of Habit, 25.
  8. Geum Joo Gwak, The Psychology of Habit (Seoul: Galleon, 2007), 7.
  9. Geum Joo Gwak, The Psychology of Habit, 7.
  10. Ok Pyo Jeon, Winning Habit(Seoul: Sam & Parkers, 2008), in the prologue.
  11. Kyung Sup Kim, Young Soon Kim A principle of children's education for raising them as a citizen of the world(Seoul: 21st Century Books, 2005), 114-120.
  12. Peter Paulig, Parent, translated by Tae Hee Kim, Parent(Seoul: Hwangsojari, 2011), 249.
  13. Peter Paulig, Parent, 251.
  14. Sung Soo Jung, Parents who are being revenged(Seoul: Bethany Publishing, 2011), 335.