울릉도에서 채집된 뿔나방과의 보고 및 2 미기록종

Gelechiidae Collected from Is. Ulleung-do in the East Sea, Reporting a Newly Recorded Species from Korea and an Unknown Species

  • Park, Kyu-Tek (The Korean Academy of Science and Technology) ;
  • Kim, Minyoung (Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, Seoul National University) ;
  • Byun, Bong-Kyu (Department of Biological Science and Biotechnology, Hannam University)
  • 투고 : 2013.12.29
  • 심사 : 2014.01.20
  • 발행 : 2014.06.01


울릉도의 곤충상 조사결과, 뿔나방과 (나비목: 뿔나방상과)의 10종이 채집되었다. 그 중 Bagdadia gnomia Ponomaranko과 Bryotropa sp.의 2종은 우리나라에서 처음으로 기록되었으며, 채집이 어려운 Dichomeris anisacuminata Li & Zheng도 함께 조사되었다. 이들 종 동정에 필요한 성충과 생식기 사진을 함께 기재한다.

In a faunal survey of the Gelechiidae (Lepidoptera: Gelechioidea) from Is. Ulleung-do in the East Sea of Republic of Korea, one species of Gelechiidae, Bagdadia gnomia Ponomaranko, is reported for the first time from Korea and an unknown species of the genus Bryotropa was discovered. In addition, eight species of Gelechiidae including a little known species, Dichomeris anisacuminata Li & Zheng, were first recorded from Is. Ulleung-do. Images of adults and genitalia for the newly recorded species and a little known species are provided.



  1. Byun, B.K., Lee, B.Y., Kim, S.S., 1996. Lepidoptera of the Is. Ulleung, Korea. J. Lepid. Soc. Korea. 9, 26-33.
  2. Byun, B.K., Park, K.T., Bae, Y.S., Lee, B.W., 2009. A check list of the microlepidoptera in Korea. Korea National Arboretum. 413 pp.
  3. Cho, B.S., 1955. The fauna of Dagelet Island (Ulneung-do). Bull. Sungkyunkwan Univ. 2, 179-266.
  4. Cho, B.S., 1965. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Insekten-fauna Insel Dagelet (Ulleung-do). Commemoration Thesis of 60th Aniversary (Natural Sciences), Korea Univ. pp. 157-205.
  5. Park, H.D., 1997. The physical geography of Ulneung-do Island. The Geographical Journal of Korea. 31, 27-40.
  6. Park, K.T., Ponomarenko, M.G., 2007. In: Park, K.T. (eds.). Gelechiidae of the Korean Peninsula and adjacent territories (Lepidoptera). Insects of Korea series 12. 312 pp.
  7. Sohn, J.C., 2007. Faunistic contribution to the Korean microlepidoptera and Pyralids (1). 40 species new to Korea. Tinea 20, 12-27.

피인용 문헌

  1. Four species of micromoths new to Korea (Lepidoptera: Elachistidae, Gelechiidae, Coleophoridae) vol.7, pp.3, 2014,