A Study for Examination of Road Noise Prediction Results According to 3-d Noise Prediction Models and Input Parameters

3차원 소음예측모델 및 입력변수 변화에 따른 도로소음 예측결과 검토에 대한 연구

  • 선효성 (한국환경정책.평가연구원)
  • Received : 2014.01.20
  • Accepted : 2014.03.17
  • Published : 2014.04.30


The application of a 3-d noise prediction model is increasing as a tool for performing actual noise assessment in order to investigate the noise impact of the residential facility around a development region. However, because the appropriate plans of applying a 3-d noise prediction model is insufficient, it is important to secure the reliability of the noise prediction results generated by a 3-d noise prediction model. Therefore, this study is focused on examining a 3-d noise prediction model, and a prediction equation and input data in it. For this, the 3-d noise prediction models such as SoundPLAN, Cadna-A, IMMI is applied in road noise. After the contents of road noise equations, input data of road noise source, and input data of road noise barrier are understood, the road noise prediction results are compared and examined according to the variation of 3-d noise prediction model, road noise equation, and input data of road noise source and road noise barrier.



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