시프로플록사신은 대표적으로 소화기 및 중추신경계 부작용이 보고되고 있다. 그러나 신독성 및 이독성은 발생 빈도가 드물어 현재까지 국내에는 보고된 바가 없다. 이에 시프로플록사신 정맥 주사 후 청력 소실과 더불어 발생한 급성 요세관 괴사 1예를 경험하였기에 국내 첫번째 사례로 보고하는 바이다.
Ciprofloxacin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic used to treat a variety of infections. However, acute kidney injury is a rarely reported side effect. Ciprofloxacin-related nephrotoxicity typically manifests as acute tubulointerstitial nephritis. To the best of our knowledge, few cases of acute tubular necrosis as a complication of ciprofloxacin have been reported to date. We herein describe a case involving a 41-year-old woman treated with intravenous ciprofloxacin at 200 mg twice daily for gastroenteritis. One day after initiation of treatment, her serum creatinine level increased from 0.95 to 3.83 mg/dL and she experienced impaired hearing. Five days later, renal biopsy demonstrated acute tubular necrosis. The acute tubular necrosis encountered in this patient resolved; however, short-term hemodialysis was required. This is the first reported case of acute kidney injury associated with ciprofloxacin use in Korea.