Study on Devaluation of Public Housing in United States: Public Housing in the Past, Present and Future

  • Received : 2014.10.30
  • Accepted : 2014.12.09
  • Published : 2014.12.30


As the cities developed and grew into larger metropolises, land value grew and land invariably became an asset. One of very critical causalities of such widespread need for development was the urban residence that got converted into cesspools of urban slum, major crime area and rapidly degraded. Incessant population growth of these cities called for more land to build residences especially the economically affordable and safe housings were needed for the citizens of none or low-income community. However, not enough attentions have yet been given to the essential basics of human habitation that exist within metropolitan limits by social, economical and political aspects. The following paper studies and elaborates the development motivation adopted by the government to develop public housing in the United States under the technical guidance of supporters and developers from national and international communities. The paper discusses current situation of public housing in the United States with a focus on understanding the present status of public housing and physical condition of their surroundings, strategies for fund mobilization, types of local involvement and community participation, ways of continuous monitoring and maintenance, etc. thereby creating a self-sustaining and integrated management plan for public housings in the future.



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