이혼한 어머니의 경험을 통해 본 비양육 아버지의 부모역할 수행과 공동부모역할 형성

Divorced Mothers' Experiences of Noncustodial Fathers' Involvement with Their Children and Co-Parenting Relationships

  • 손서희 (숙명여자대학교 가족자원경영학과)
  • Son, Seohee (Department of Family & Resource Management, Sookmyung Women's University)
  • 투고 : 2013.04.30
  • 심사 : 2013.06.07
  • 발행 : 2013.08.30


The purpose of this study is to explore Korean divorced mothers' experiences of noncustodial fathers' involvement in children's lives after divorce and co-parenting relationships. The data were collected from 17 mothers who were divorced between the years of 2004 and 2009, and were raising at least one minor child. Data were analyzed based on the inductive data analysis method. Divorced mothers' experiences of noncustodial fathers' involvement in children's lives after divorce were categorized in three ways: a satisfactory on-going relationship, a dissatisfactory on-going relationship, and a discontinued relationship. The results show that a few mothers were satisfied with the degree of the fathers' involvement in the children's lives 1) if the fathers were interested in their children and responsive to their children, and 2) if the fathers paid either child support or provided some financial supports for their children based on the fathers' financial abilities. However, the majority of the mothers were dissatisfied with the degree of the fathers' involvement in the children's lives. While some of the mothers maintained a relationship with the children's fathers despite their dissatisfaction, others discontinued the relationship. Regarding the co-parenting relationship after divorce, the relationships with the fathers were classified as either cooperative relationships or uncooperative relationships. The majority of the mothers experienced difficulties establishing cooperative co-parenting relationships with the fathers, but three mothers had cooperative relationships. The reasons for these uncooperative relationships were: uncooperative fathers, uncooperative mothers, or ambiguous communication regarding parenting after divorce. These findings suggest parenting education for divorced parents.



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피인용 문헌

  1. Factors Influencing Adolescent's Relationship With Non-Custodial Parents vol.37, pp.2, 2016,