A comparison study of the characteristics of private and public security service of Koryo dynasty and modern security service

고려시대 공적·사적경호의 특성과 현대경호와의 비교연구

  • Received : 2013.07.31
  • Accepted : 2013.08.24
  • Published : 2013.09.30


This study considers the characteristics of the separation of public and private security service during Koryo dynasty, and compares it with the modern security service. Modern day security service's definition of private and public security service was used to distinguish them. Given the different historical settings, it's difficult to argue that the distinction between public and private service during Koryo dynasty was clear, but it can be said that public security service was centered around palace guard and concerns the activities of protest, and military made for the relationship, and private security service was centered around power of DoBang and includes the activities of malingering, and Byolchogun. During the early days of Koryo, protest, district military and soldiers who stay in the palace were all parts of a palace revolt and this institutional improvement of soldiers who stay in the palace was accomplished during King Seongjong's rule. The tradition of a palace revolt can find its roots in the middle military, and after the unification, a palace revolt was reformed into the king's palace revolt of second and the 6th along the course of establishing the nation's system. All of the changes stem from the reformation for consolidating the royal authority. Gyung Dae Seoung wanted to protect himself and he slept with his army night and days and because of that, group of soldiers was created and it was called DOBANG. Some members were from dobang gyeonryong, The forced were powerful because it was gathered with a warriors with extraordinaire martial arts and competent management. Most of the soldiers followed gyeong dae seung because they believed that he has a strong leadership and loves his people, and had a strong faith in him. However, the general gyeong jang had a belief that politics must be reverted to the previous so the relationships between jungbang wasn't smooth. Because of the economic operational problems, due to fraud committed by the mens under his command failed to maintain integrity and was criticised.The misconception also fed up with the emperor and the deepening relationships between the soldiers, his dobang was dismantled. After he took over the dobang, for his personal safety and to strengthen his position he compensated gyeon dae seong's dobang and developed the organization. In the process of extending the dobang Choi chung heon recruited many talented people to strengthen the military base, and also accepted the advice and expanded the power of Dobang. Choi Chung Heon thus consolidated his political gains by weakening the power of the king's army and adjusting the myth, which could've threatened his regime, and this was called Dobang number 6th. Dobang number six got even more powerful by his son named Choi woo, and after ruling, he expanded into a room, and a substantial reorganization of Dobang was developed. And then the creation of yabyeolcho also showed the effect to prevent the crisis. Although the palace guards who were public security service of Koryo Dynasty was still maintained during the military rule era when the royal authority was incapacitated, it was only maintained to have a symbolic meaning as the actual authority including military power was with Choi, the master of Dobang, private security service group. Likewise, during the rule of Choi, private securty service could reign over public security service, and the noteworthy characteristic of Dobang is that it assisted the private soldier groups to seize the military power by reorganizing and modifying military system. Although both differences and similarities can be found when comparing the guards of Koryo Dynasty with those of contemporary society, they have a similarity in terms of the essence of guards that they guarantee the safety of their clients. As for differences, the royalty of Koryo Dynasty and the pursuit of profit of contemporary society are in contrast, and contemporary guards can be seen as the fulfillment of responsibility and duty by free will, whereas guards of Koryo Dynasty were ruled with military coercion.

고려건국 후 왕의 측근 친위군에 대한 제도적 정비는 성종시대에 이루어졌다. 건국 후 국가제도를 정비하는 법제의 확립과 더불어 2군 6위에 소속된 금군으로 거듭나게 되었다. 금군의 핵심부대는 견룡이며, 그들은 필요에 따라 국왕의 가까운 위치에서 호위하거나 궁성을 수비하고 방어하는 부대로 성장하면서 제도적 위상을 갖추었다고 볼 수 있다. 사적경호제도인 도방(都房)의 창설은 경대승이 신변 안전을 위하여 자신을 따르는 무술이 뛰어난 군졸들과 침식을 같이하면서부터 시작되었다. 경대승이 병사하고, 그의 도방도 곧 해체되었다. 최충헌은 집권 후 경대승의 도방을 부활시켜 이를 보완하고 발전시켰다. 최충헌은 그의 문하에 문무를 두루 겸비한 문객들이 많은 가운데 유능한 인물을 영입하여 군사기반을 강화하는 한편, 문신들의 조언도 받아들이며 도방의 세력을 확대하였다. 이로써 자신의 정권을 위협할 수 있는 금군의 힘을 약화시킴으로써 정치적 입지를 굳혔다. 최우의 집권 이후 6번 도방을 내외도방으로 확장, 개편하여 실질적인 도방으로 발전시켰다. 또 야별초를 창설하여 도방의 위기를 방지하는 효력도 발휘하였다. 고려시대의 공경호인 금군은 왕권이 무력화된 무신집권시대에도 그 제도는 존속되었으나, 군권을 위시한 실권은 사적경호 조직인 도방이 행사하였고 왕은 다만 상징적인 존재로 명맥을 유지하였다. 고려시대의 경호와 현대 경호를 비교해 볼 때 공통점과 차이점을 발견할 수 있으나, 경호의 본질에 있어서는 경호대상자의 안전을 보장한다는 공통점이 있다. 차이점으로는 고려시대의 충성심과 현대의 이익추구가 각각 그 특징으로 대비되며, 고려시대 경호가 무력에 의한 강압으로 다스려진 것이라면, 오늘날의 경호는 자유의지에 의한 의무와 책임감의 수행으로 이루어진 것이라고 볼 수 있다.
