This research is mainly based on the experimental result due to seek different outcomes whena certain security motion with a paticular gear is applied in a plausible confrontational situation. For the purpose of this research an Expandable Baton, which is one of the most commonsecurity equipments, was chosen to be applied in a situation of hitting a person's head. Alsothe results will be studied in the view of Kinematic theory. To demonstrate, 10 students who were majeored in Escort Crane studies at 'H' university werechosen as testees. The participants were grouped into two-one is practiced with the 'expanadable baton use program' and the other is pre-practiced. In this report two groups abovewill be reffered as 'group A' and 'group B' for conveniency. There were a number of differences and changes between two groups. Group B took more timethan the other group did. Group A spent about 0.428sec in section 'e2' and 0.230sec in section'e3' while Group B took 0.435sec, 0.232sec in each sections.To add on, more distinctive results were out when it was more focused on physical movements. Two gropus presented considerable changes- in an 'left-right' moving displacement-Group A;$2.16{\pm}0.9cm$ (left side), $3.78{\pm}1.42cm$ (right side), total $5.94{\pm}2.03cm$. Group B; $2.97{\pm}1.01cm$ (left side),$4.56{\pm}1.57cm$ (right side), total $7.53{\pm}2.13cm$.Continuously, different outcomeswere shown between two groups in a 'back and forth' moving displacement-Group A;$32.48{\pm}3.86cm$, $35.21{\pm}4.64cm$, total $69.36{\pm}5.72$. Group B; $34.50{\pm}6.12cm$, $37.04{\pm}3.70cm$, total $71.46{\pm}7.17cm$. Furthermore, changes in an 'up and down' moving displacement were - GroupA; $5.62{\pm}2.41cm$, $4.54{\pm}1.87cm$, total $10.11{\pm}1.57cm$. Group B; $6.33{\pm}1.78cm$, $4.86{\pm}1.85cm$,total $10.68{\pm}1.81cm$. To continue, there were few modifications of degree on participants' joints, espcially on 'Wristjoint', 'Elbow joint' and 'Shoulder joint', depend on different sections -Wrist joint;Group A; e1 $114.62{\pm}7.13$, e2 $68.27{\pm}6.37$, e3 $131.64{\pm}6.27$. Group B; e1 $112.62{\pm}6.13$, e2 $66.28{\pm}7.38$, e3$137.42{\pm}4.28$ and Elbow joint ; Group A e1 $132.31{\pm}6.55$, e2 $117.92{\pm}8.42$, e3 $144.41{\pm}6.32$. Group B; e1 $133.58{\pm}8.56$, e2 $114.45{\pm}8.21$, e3 $139.89{\pm}4.38$. Lastly, degree changes ofshoulder joint were; Group A; e1 $13.55{\pm}3.85$, e2 $131.42{\pm}11.24$, e3 $78.32{\pm}6.28$. Group B; e1$9.45{\pm}1.23$, e2 $136.74{\pm}13.21$, e3 $79.75{\pm}4.24$.
본 연구에서는 경호, 경비현장에서 이루어지는 대치상황에서 경호, 경비원의 장비 중 삼단봉을 선택하여 머리치기 동작의 운동학적 분석을 실시하였다. H대학교 경호학과 학생 출신10명을 대상으로 연구를 실시하였다. 숙련자 그룹에서 삼단봉 교육 프로그램 실시하였고, 숙련자그룹과 비숙련자 그룹으로 연구 하였다. 구간별 소요시간은 숙련자 (e2) 0.428sec 비숙련자 0.435 sec, (e3) 에서는 숙련지 0.230 sec 비숙련자 0.232 sec 소요되었으며, 비숙련자 그룹에서 소요시간이 많이 소요된 것으로 나타났다. 신체중심 이동 변위는 좌, 우 숙련자$2.16{\pm}0.95cm$, $3.78{\pm}1.42cm$, 전체적으로 $5.94{\pm}2.03cm$ 변화를 보였다. 비숙련자 $2.97{\pm}1.01cm$, $4.56{\pm}1.57cm$, 전체적으로 $7.53{\pm}2.13cm$ 변화를 보였고, 전, 후 이동에서는 숙련자$32.48{\pm}3.86cm$, $35.21{\pm}4.64cm$, 전체적으로 $69.36{\pm}5.72cm$ 변화를 보였다. 비숙련자 $34.50{\pm}6.12cm$, $37.04{\pm}3.70cm$, 전체적으로 $71.46{\pm}7.17cm$ 변화를 보였다. 그리고 상, 하 이동변위에서는 숙련자 $5.62{\pm}2.49cm$, $4.54{\pm}1.87cm$, 전체적으로 $10.11{\pm}1.57cm$ 변화를 보였다. 비숙련자 $6.33{\pm}1.78cm$, $4.86{\pm}1.85cm$, 전체적으로 $10.68{\pm}1.81cm$ 변화를 보였다. 손목관절의 각도 변화에서 손목각도이며, 숙련자e1, $114.62{\pm}7.13$, e2 $68.27{\pm}6.37$, e3 $131.64{\pm}6.27$, 비숙련자 e1, $112.62{\pm}6.13$, e2 $66.28{\pm}7.38$, e3 $137.42{\pm}4.28$ 팔꿉치 관절의 각도 변화이며, 숙련자 e1, $132.31{\pm}6.55$, e2 $117.92{\pm}8.42$, e3 $144.41{\pm}6.32$, 비숙련자 e1, $133.58{\pm}8.56$, e2 $114.45{\pm}8.21$, e3 $139.89{\pm}4.38$ 어깨관절의 각도 변화이며, 숙련자 e1, $13.55{\pm}3.85$, e2 $131.42{\pm}11.24$, e3 $78.32{\pm}6.28$, 비숙련자 e1, $9.45{\pm}1.23$, e2 $136.74{\pm}13.21$, e3 $79.75{\pm}4.24$, 각 변화를 보였다.