전통풍수의 상징적 의미를 체용(體用)한 간판 배색 제안 - 사업주의 본명궁을 중심으로 -

Proposed Color Scheme with Feng Shui Significance - Focused on the Bonmyeonggung of business owners -

  • 박효철 (신흥대학교 실내디자인과) ;
  • 이승노 (상명대학교 생활환경학과)
  • 투고 : 2013.02.27
  • 심사 : 2013.04.12
  • 발행 : 2013.04.30


The purpose of this study is to propose a new direction for color schemes of city signages to provide psychological stability to business owners and improve business value. Types of city sign color schemes and Feng Shui awareness of business owners were examined. Color schemes for signs were proposed, reflecting city landscape colors, color perception theory, and the Feng Shui Sangsaeng Sanggeuk theory. Results of the study can be summarized as follows. First, in order to secure colorscape quality of existing city buildings, signs should be small and consist of only three or fewer colors. Second, existing signage colors and the Feng Shui ideas of business owners have something in common with the five traditional cardinal colors. Thus, it can be interpreted that Feng Shui ideas are deeply rooted in the color use awareness of the Korean people. Third, background colors of signages can reflect the idea of innate Sangsaeng according to the Bonmyeonggung of business owners. The concept of acquired Sanggeuk can also be applied to other design elements such as characters. Fourth, as a second choice according to the function of sign, city landscape or preference of business owner, etc., the background color can remain a color of Sangsaeng, while other design elements such as characters can use a color scheme corresponding to Bihwasaek. Fifth, signs can create a statement and stand out using lightness contrast or saturation contrast theories. A variety of sign color schemes are also possible just by altering the lightness and saturation levels.



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