A study on the Public Library's Space planning and Characteristics for the User-oriented Publicness

사용자 중심의 공공성 실현을 위한 공공도서관의 공간 계획 및 특성에 관한 연구

  • 김세영 (홍익대학교 일반대학원 건축학과)
  • Received : 2013.03.27
  • Accepted : 2013.06.07
  • Published : 2013.06.30


The contemporary concept of publicness is reinterpreted from the point of view of contemporary publicness. Contemporary perception of public space has now branched and grown into a multitude of non-traditional sites with a variety of programs in mind. In this study, the aim is to discuss how contemporary public library has been evolved as public space and how to create User-centered interaction. In the case of developed countries, the Public Libraries have showed the expected effects because they have more systematic and efficient plan. Also, these libraries are placed with each facility, not distributed separately. It promotes the accumulation of profit on the space and Increases the efficiency. They support more effectively users' activities through the linkages between each facility and create the active interaction between users. Formation of the various interactions and synergies between space had been induced. Publicity means that the state will relate a combination of a number of specific public area. In addition, open space, public place, shall be directed to: This place as one of the users in order to have meaning, must be equipped with the facilities and space to communicate and understand the local role. Methods of the study are to analyze the concept and role of the users with the concept of modern publicity, to examine the concept of multi-complexity of public libraries for the user-oriented publicness, to learn about the characteristics of public spaces in the public libraries that appear in the advanced countries, to examine how to affect these characteristics in the public libraries, and to suggest the possibility and the various application methods on the characteristics of a public space. In the end, the public libraries for the realization of the publicity, support program complexity such as education and culture, welfare facilities, and public service facilities. In the 21st century, these complexity to improve the quality of service in public libraries. These spaces can be an alternative to be kept comfortable in a more vibrant area, and can affect the social, natural, cultural, and environmental aspects of the physical environment and the objects and relationships, as well as expand.



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