Local governments are establishing their own greenhouse gas reduction goal and are playing a important role to respond to climatic changes. However, there are difficulties in quantitative analyses such as estimation of future greenhouse gas emission and computation of reduction potential, which are procedures required to establish mid to long term strategies to realize of low carbon society by each local governments. Also, reduction measures must reflect characteristics of each local government, since the reduction power of each local government can differ according to characteristics of each. In order to establish strategies that reflect characteristics of local governments, types of greenhouse gas emission from cities were classified largely into residential city, commercial city, residential commercial city, agriculture and fishery city, convergence city, and industrial city. As a result of analyzing basic unit of greenhouse gas emission by local government during 2007 in terms of per population, household and GRDP based on the type classification, significant results were deduced for each type. To manage the amount of the national greenhouse gas, reduction measures should be focused on the local governments that emits more than the average of each type's GHG emission.