패션쇼 연출을 위한 패션모델들의 몰입 체험

The Flow Experience of Fashion Models' for Fashion Show Production

  • 투고 : 2013.02.22
  • 심사 : 2013.05.01
  • 발행 : 2013.06.30


This study identified the characteristic and meaning of flow experience through the experiences related to fashion models' role performance; subsequently, the following findings were obtained. First, fashion models' flow experience could be divided into characteristics such as temporality, spatiality, relationality, physicalness and pleasure. Second, the process of this flow experience ultimately led to the complete moment. The complete moment can be said to be the aesthetic experience that provides both the meaningful experience and the aesthetic pleasure; it is the experiential knowledge at the dimension of mysterious integration that their body and mind are integrated into one. The beauty that fashion models exercise at the aspect of this aesthetic experience is that of performance and is an individual physical movement where they perceive their role and exercise their inner ability to express their costume most beautifully. Accordingly, the beauty of performance can be said to mean that the fashion show was successfully held by inducing both the performer and the audience into an aesthetic response. The process of specialized planning and preparation is required for fashion models to exercise the beauty of performance at the complete movement reached through flow experience and a successful fashion show. Diverse elements of the fashion show should be more organically constituted through such a process. Fashion models should exert efforts to embody acts such as walking, posing and turning through the performance of their excellent role as well as develop a training program to complete it.



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  1. Analysis of Vogue Magazine on Forms of Image Expression and Utilization of Model Poses in Fashion Photos vol.66, pp.4, 2016,